150 years Fidus - Lets publish a book
The book project to celebrate Fidus' birthday isn't dead and we are close to announce some hard facts in the upcoming weeks, hopefully. To name and record the idea in english, here we go:
This year Fidus would have been 150 years old.
For that special occasion we plan to publish a book (we think about two volumes) which illustrates over 200 of his very own designed and printed postcards - an undertaking which no one has yet ever tried before.
This book will illustrate rare and hand-selected postcards of his œuvre, which had vanished from the public due to loss, demolition or because they had being kept hidden behind locked doors of some true devotees.
This book is my obeisance to Fidus. To make his œuvre available to all admirers of his art (in german and english language). The funding of the book will be done by private contributions and a crowdfunding-campaign (patreon!?) which will hopefully start in the end of 2018.
For that special occasion we plan to publish a book (we think about two volumes) which illustrates over 200 of his very own designed and printed postcards - an undertaking which no one has yet ever tried before.
This book will illustrate rare and hand-selected postcards of his œuvre, which had vanished from the public due to loss, demolition or because they had being kept hidden behind locked doors of some true devotees.
This book is my obeisance to Fidus. To make his œuvre available to all admirers of his art (in german and english language). The funding of the book will be done by private contributions and a crowdfunding-campaign (patreon!?) which will hopefully start in the end of 2018.
- Patreon als Plattform für eine Finanzierung scheint uns sinniger als eine gemeine Crowdfunding-Plattform
- Die angedachten Abbildung von über 200 Postkarten, die Fidus im Eigenverlag produzierte, wird sich nicht in einem Buch bewerkstelligen lassen, weswegen sich wohl zwei Bände formieren werden
- Ich glaube weiterhin an den internationalen Markt, derwegen ich an einer zweisprachigen Ausgabe festhalte
Gunnar Finder / Eberswalde / orchestraler 11.09.2018
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